Pickwicks of Ipswich
Ipswich's best loved and oldest coffee house
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Pickwicks Loose Leaf Tea
At Pickwicks we love tea. Our mission is to convert all the teabag users to loose leaf tea, the difference in flavour is spectacular!
We currently stock one of the largest selections of tea in Suffolk and are confident you will find something you'll love.
To make the choice simpler you can sample all our teas within the cafe before buying a bag to take home.
Here is a selection of our current tea list, a full list is available from our counter

Black Tea
Assam Teloijan PF
Assam Diral G.B.O.P
Ceylon Dimbula B.O.P
Ceylon OP
Ceylon Decaf
Darjeeling FTGFOP
Earl Grey Large Leaf
Earl Grey Blue Lady
English Breakfast B.O.P.
English Breakfast P.F
Kenya P.F
Nilgiri O.P.
Pickwicks Special Blend
Russian Caravan
Assam P.F
Assam F.T.G.F.O.P
Ceylon O.P
Earl Blue Lady
Lapsang Souchong
Rose Congou
Spiced Christmas Tea (seasonal)
Green Tea
China Sencha Green Gunpowder
Jasmine Blosson Young Hyson
Green Tea with Mango

Herbal and Fruit Infusions
Pure Chamomile Egyptian Mint
Peppermint Herb Bouquet Royal
Rooibos Vanilla Rooibos
Brazillian Mate
Flavoured Black Tea
Almond Apple Peach Cinnamon
Ginger Wild Cherry
Orange Spice Mango

Having the best coffee beans is only half the story, we also stock all the equipment you need to get the best out of our coffee.